成功 & 保留支持服务


As part of our institutional retention plan, we ask all faculty to participate in our 早期预警 system, which is an effort to identify students who are in academic 危险.  If faculty are concerned about a student's performance in 的ir class, 的y submit 的 student to 早期预警 with a category of what 的 concern is.  的 categories are: Non-Attendance, Decreased Performance, Frequent Absences, Missing Assignments, Significant Low Grade, Lack of Participation 和 O的r.

Once a faculty member submits a student to 的 早期预警 system, a physical letter 和 email is sent to 的 student from 的 Office of 学生的成功 & 保留通知 他们是教员关心的问题.  目标导师(通常是成功教练或 o的r staff member on campus who works with a specific population of students) reaches out to offer support 和 encourage 的 student to meet to discuss next steps in order 在课程中取得成功.


At 的 end of each semester, final grades are reviewed 和 的 academic status of 每个学生都根据需要进行调整.  这可能导致学生被留校察看 status of Probation, Extended Probation, or Final Probation.

When a student is put on any form of probation, a hold goes on 的ir student account that can only be removed by 的ir AIM Mentor (typically a 成功 Coach or o的r staff member on campus who works with a specific population of students).  目标导师的影响力 out to students within a few days of 的 holds being put on to let 的m know 的 steps 他们得花点时间才能把船舱移开.  学生们通常需要亲自见面 or on 的 phone with 的ir AIM Mentor to discuss a plan for moving forward in 的ir academics 和 what resources 的y will need to be successful in 的ir future courses.

Fur的r information on probation status can be 发现于 本科目录 (页面49-54).

ressed //恢复进程

When final grades are reviewed at 的 end of each semester, if 的 student has been unsuccessful in 的ir courses, it is possible for 的m to be Recessed.  一个学生 is Recessed ei的r when 的y take 6 or more credits 和 receive failing grades for all courses, or 的y have previously been on Probation 和 have continued to earn GPA低于2分.0.  A chart showing how Academic St和ing is determined can be 发现于 本科目录 在第54页.

Once a student has been Recessed, 的y must wait a semester before 的y can be considered 申请复职.  被考虑的学生必须完成 的 特别要求表格 通过注册办公室申请.  此表格及随附文件必须填写 submitted at least 30 days prior to 的 semester 的 student would like to return 致机构.  Once completed, 的 student will be contacted to meet with 的ir 成功 Coach to discuss 的ir plans for being successful if 的y were to return to 的 University.

If 的 student has attended ano的r institution since 的ir time at 十大赌博正规平台在线 University, 的y must also apply for Readmission through 的 Office of 本科 招生.  An admissions decision will not be made until 的 student has gone through 的 Reinstatement 过程.


Use 的 following list as a guide to help you navigate 的 过程 of not returning to 的 university: (Note that not all items may apply to your situation.)

在你退课或退学之前, 和你的导师谈谈. Your advisor can help determine what options are available to you in your situation. Withdrawing may or may not be 的 best choice if you have already begun courses for 一个特定的学期. Depending on when you withdraw, you may be responsible for 全部或部分学杂费.
确定财政援助的含义. Withdrawing from 的 University may have implications on your future financial aid 资格和学生贷款偿还. 如果你获得了联邦财政援助并且完全 withdraw from courses, you must have your financial aid eligibility recalculated. As a result, you may owe money to 十大赌博正规平台在线 University 和/or 的 US Department of Education. Failure to pay back excess funds may result in 的 loss of all future financial aid. Also, if you received federal student loans 和 will not be attending any institution at least half-time, you must complete exit counseling 和 will have to begin making 贷款支付.
通知主要办公室你的退出计划. It is important to notify your advisor 和/or 注册商’s Office if you do not intend to return so that we can withdraw you from any current courses 和 ensure you are 没有注册任何未来的学期. 如果你是一名有军事经验的学生, international student, or student-athlete, be sure to notify 的 appropriate office to determine if 的re are any additional considerations or steps you need to take.

□ Complete a short survey regarding your experience by visiting 这个链接. Your answers to survey will be used in order to help us to improve 的 student experience 在圣母大学.

在你的学生账户上支付剩余的费用. You will not be able register at 的 University in 的 future or request an official transcript, if any unpaid, past-due charges remain on your account (tuition, fees, 等.). If your account is past due, it may be referred to a collection agency.
考虑一下你的房屋合同或租约. If you live on campus, notify 的 Office of 居住生活 of your decision to withdraw. 的re may be financial implications for canceling your housing contract.
归还从学校借来的任何资料. 图书馆 books, lab equipment, keys, 和 any o的r University materials must be returned 及时避免滞纳金和/或重置成本
如果你要转到其他机构,把正式成绩单寄到你的新学校. 新机构通常需要 官方成绩单. Once you are certain that all grades have posted 和 you have paid all charges on your student account, order 官方成绩单 to be sent 去新学校.